Questions & Answers

Is it normal for a StudioLive AR16 power PCB to fail after only 13 months?

+1 vote
asked Jul 29, 2020 in StudioLive Series III by jeffwhite7 (160 points)
I have had my console since February 2019 and realistically have about 100 hours of use on it. I went to use it one day and found that it seemed like it would power on but there were no outputs (Bluetooth wasn't even powering on. Disheartened because this thing just finished warranty the month before I decided to pull it apart to see what was wrong and repair it myself. I found a blown capacitor and a few other areas that like they are burned. To make matters worse when I called the distributor looking for parts I was told they range from $350 up which is nearly half the cost of a replacement console.

7 Answers

+1 vote
answered Jul 30, 2020 by jonnydoyle (403,740 points)
Best answer
A lot of factors can cause this issue. If not done already please log a support ticket.
0 votes
answered Aug 12, 2020 by jonadams2 (140 points)
Get in touch with support.  They fixed mine even though it was out of warrantee.
+1 vote
answered Jun 1, 2022 by rickrouser (160 points)
Looks like the manufacturer used cheap Yuscon electrolytic capacitors in their power supply for the AR16 - mine just stopped working - frustrating - I'm an electrical engineer and have seen this type of thing before - cheap electrolytics have a short life.
+1 vote
answered Dec 19, 2022 by stevenschnelz1 (160 points)
Mine just did the same thing. The supply to the digital side works as the driver hooks up but the mute leds, 48v phantom power and all other mixing board functions are dead. Is there a fix? I can tear it down and replace boards if the parts exist. Is it worth tearing down? Off to search more and will file a ticket.
+1 vote
answered Feb 10, 2023 by kennethdaye (160 points)
will not buy any more of theses board mine just went out and can not find parts for it PreSonus 86-20000191 PSU PCB for StudioLive AR8, AR12, AR16
0 votes
answered Feb 22, 2023 by fernandogerrero (530 points)
The same thing happened to me, it had never happened before with another sound console, I think it's a factory defect, because you search the internet and it has happened to many

there are several youtubers who talk about this topic, the truth is unfortunate, it is not a cheap sound table
0 votes
answered Jul 23, 2023 by kensavich (140 points)
Mine has now died three times, each time only a couple of months out from warranty. I've payed for this 1.5 over my original price. This is the last time, I'm giving up on Presonus now.