Questions & Answers

“Goto Play Start Marker” option in key commands and accompanying window.

0 votes
asked Jul 30, 2020 in Recording by simonjameslane (1,740 points)
“Goto Play Start Marker” option in key commands and accompanying window. i.e. type the key command, a dialogue window opens (which also shows a list of markers), user types the number of marker or clicks on the name of the marker and is taken to that location with playhead also at that location.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Nov 11, 2020 by simonjameslane (1,740 points)
Hi to the folks that down-voted my suggestion.

I would like to hear your reasoning as to why you disagree. Perhaps I am overlooking a current method of achieving this, or simply an alternative workaround.

Whatever the case may be I would like to hear from your perspective the case against this feature request.