Questions & Answers

Could you add a feature to add a blank guitar chord diagram for voicings that aren't available?

+9 votes
asked Aug 3, 2020 in Notion iOS Feature Requests by chriscastle2 (220 points)
I only use the ipad version, mostly to make lead sheets.

I wanted to add a chord diagram for an augmented Am chord but it wasn't available as a diagram. I appreciate it would be difficult to offer every voicing, but if we could have the ability to create our own voicing - even if a blank chord diagram was inserted for us to fill in manually below the chord name, that would be fantastic.

2 Answers

0 votes
answered May 1, 2021 by chonghang (150 points)
Yes , Custom chord diagrams function is important for us
0 votes
answered Jun 6, 2021 by gbrettell (690 points)
Yes and/or add custom chord function (as the desktop version has that feature).