Questions & Answers

Make the "Inspector" section more user friendly

+191 votes
asked Aug 12, 2020 in Look and Feel by valentinosciacca1 (8,440 points)
edited Sep 2, 2021 by valentinosciacca1

I'm also a Logic user, I find the inspector section more user-friendly compare to S1.

I would like to see a more "clean" version of the inspector section in S1. 

The idea here is to keep the mixer section at the bottom and keep the track and events sections on the top using tabs or dropdown menus.

Right now we have to drag up and down to get to all available options, it's not user-friendly at all especially on my MackBook Pro with a 13" monitor. (as you can see in the video below)

Like this:

Here is a video comparison of Logic and Studio One on a MacBook Pro with a 13" display (no retina):

Please vote for this feature if you will find it useful!


12 Answers

+6 votes
answered Aug 15, 2020 by Lukas Ruschitzka (261,440 points)
Best answer

Thank you for the feature request. 

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+3 votes
answered Aug 13, 2020 by ansolas (4,280 points)
edited Aug 13, 2020 by ansolas
That would be very useful indeed ! Maybe make if dockable sided by side for wide screen's
(where you have more horizontal space than vertical, imagine 32:9, 21:9, tripplehead...) would help either
+10 votes
answered Aug 16, 2020 by luizacarvalho (6,370 points)
I always thought the inspector was very cluttered and disorganized. So YES!
+4 votes
answered Sep 18, 2020 by ebinaugustin (6,450 points)
Yes, would definitely love to see this feature in studio one
+5 votes
answered Nov 3, 2020 by kevinrendleman (1,930 points)
100% agreed.  Not only should they be collapseable, but all of the optional views/windows should be dockable/floatable/snappable.

Personally, I'd be much happier with a nice fully configurable big peak/RMS/LUFS meter over the fader section in the inspector, with the track options split into smaller, more relevant sections.  I also find tabs in web browsers really effective at window management, and wonder why no DAWs have incorporated simple little labeled/colored "tabs" that you can stick on the edge of a UI element to slide open a docked window with expanded options.  

No more scrolling through tiny text for options that should be front and center always.
+4 votes
answered Nov 27, 2020 by pascalwinterle (1,670 points)

That would be a usefull feature!smiley

+5 votes
answered Dec 27, 2020 by arturgodlewski (2,080 points)
Yes! I had no idea about half of the options that are there, because they were either hidden by other section or 'below' the screen.  Like suggested, make the sections collapsible or at least add a scroll bar and display everything in full height.
+2 votes
answered May 29, 2021 by famuyiwasegun (2,400 points)
I agreed. Having this feature will be nice, not depending on 4k monitor.  Ableton does this perfectly even on smaller laptops, you will be able to see all your DAW interface.
+3 votes
answered Sep 2, 2021 by Scoox (17,310 points)
Just dropping by to comment on this one, I literally was unaware of all the other options that were available from the inspector. I recently got a bigger display and suddenly all the other controls that were previously hidden are available to me. No point repeating what others have already suggested on this thread, but I want to thank the OP for pointing this out and hope Presonus take these suggestions on board.
–5 votes
answered Sep 2, 2021 by bobby dale (140 points)
No, no and then again NO! I don’t want Studio One’s version of Pro Tools I want Studio One’s version of Studio One. The inspector is one of the things I love about it.  Presonus has done an amazing job adopting some features from other daws but has stayed true to the Studio One workflow. I personally don’t find it cumbersome at all.
0 votes
answered Nov 6, 2021 by arturgodlewski (2,080 points)

Yes, please fix this Presonus! 

I work on 1080p laptop screen, 125% scaling and I had no idea about some of the options in Track Inspector simply because they were not visible and there was no indication that there's anything more.

In Bitwig for example, if full Inspector Panel doesn't fit on screen, then the bottom (or the top) will be gently shaded and an arrow/triangle appears suggesting there's more and then one can scroll with Mouse Wheel (or 2-figers swipe on touchpad):

+2 votes
answered Mar 19, 2023 by Michael1985 (13,040 points)
But please no deleting of any inspector gadges! And saving any changes of these inspector settings. As example if you have certain areas open, save it that there is no need to open it again after going to another track.  This is really important.