Questions & Answers

Artist to professional upgrade via sphere subsciption

+2 votes
asked Aug 12, 2020 in Studio One 5 by duanereilly (170 points)

I recieved a license for Artist 5 when i purchased a Presonus Quantum. It is installed on my computer.

I just upgraded my account with a sphere membership which includes access to studio one professional, but my studio one 5 program still says it is artist version when i click "about studio one"

I have uninstalled and reinstalled studio one with the latest installer and still get the same problem.

Thank you

3 Answers

–2 votes
answered Aug 21, 2020 by garymaguire (11,350 points)
Best answer


To activate Studio One using the online method, please follow the instructions located in the following knowledge base article:

If you continue to have issues please contact Technical Support.

0 votes
answered Aug 19, 2020 by darrensmith15 (150 points)
I have the same problem
+4 votes
answered Jan 30, 2021 by jeremyshimabukuro (230 points)
Oddly, I could not find a viable answer to this... forget the link listed in the answer, it won't help you in this situation.

I finally stumbled upon the solution by opening Studio One and clicking "studio one" and then "activate". It should give the option to activate "sphere". Once you do, it will recognize if your account has sphere registered, then reset and upgrade.