Questions & Answers

I want to upgrade Artist to Professional - but my.presonus keeps saying no pricing available.

0 votes
asked Mar 10, 2020 in Studio One 4 by richardblack3 (160 points)
I want to upgrade Artist to Professional - but my.presonus keeps saying "no pricing available". I am an American currently in Spain, but have a California address. I want to download and pay by PayPal. How?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Mar 12, 2020 by richardblack3 (160 points)
I never got a price from the web page, but I clicked Shop while in Artist and found an update link that gave me a price. So I paid for an update and now am the proud owner of an invoice. In 24 hours, the product has not appeared for download nor have I gotten an email. Are you folks all staying at home to avoid the virus. Send me my software so that I can stay at home!