Questions & Answers

Will Studio One support polyphonic aftertouch? [Completed 5.0]

+225 votes
asked Feb 25, 2016 in Completed Feature Requests by presonusfan1 (220 points)
recategorized Jul 16, 2019 by presonusfan1
Are there any plans for Studio One to support polyphonic aftertouch?

EDIT 2019: As I see there are many others going thru this over an over version after version just decided to share the solution - I moved recently to Reaper - no issues right from the beginning. Chokes, swells, endless routing, midi etc possibilities. To me it seems Presonus turned to some EDM soft and I am not Godot to wait forever and 3 major releases to not get such a simple thing (basically bugfix).


22 Answers

+22 votes
answered Feb 16, 2017 by PJacobs87 (840 points)
This is particularly bothersome to me.  This has been a request since 2011 and hasn't been acknowledged.  This software is so close to feeling like my Pro Tools replacement, but there is always some LITTLE thing that keeps me from feeling committed, including not having cascading input ability using modifier keys (option/command + select input on highlighted tracks = ascending input selection), and the lack of dynamic plugin processing, as well as just some workflow quirks like scrolling the mixer with my mouse having an effect on the faders as I scroll and then the lack of UNDO for the faders that I messed up!  These to me are workflow NECESSITIES if this is going to be taken seriously.  I hate that Avid has the monopoly on major studios and is considered the industry standard, particularly because of their lack of customer support and third party hardware support, but I guess this isn't a whole lot better.  The grass is always greener.
+22 votes
answered Feb 23, 2017 by cnedohin (870 points)
edited Feb 23, 2017 by cnedohin
I second this. It is absolutely unacceptable that Presonus wants to play with the big boys and hasn't yet added polyphonic aftertouch to the feature set.

I was recommending it to everyone, but after learning of this issue, I will not be recommending Studio One to anyone until this issue is fixed.
+20 votes
answered Feb 28, 2017 by shanabit (1,020 points)
This DAW has become a paper weight here due to this.  This FIRST thing I track is an E Kit and if I cant do chokes its pointless!!!!!

Presonus need to address these shortcomings in the midi area
+13 votes
answered Mar 25, 2017 by ryevick (510 points)
This is super lame. I'm now looking into other DAWs. I own S1 3 Professional but if it won't do what I need it to I'm going to HAVE TO start looking into other options for recording. Presonus could address this but obviously does not care about resolving the needs of their customers.
+9 votes
answered Mar 27, 2017 by scotthoward2 (790 points)

Professionally I'm a mixer, but for my own stuff the first thing I do is drums, usually in Ezdrummer2.  If I can't do basic cymbal chokes then Studio One is already off the list.  

I really want to buy the Professional version but this and Cpu efficiency are the biggest reasons I cannot switch at this time.   Fix this and you will have a customer. 

–6 votes
answered Jun 6, 2017 by kevincollins1 (920 points)
I was able to get this to work.  Set your DRUM module/machine/keypad to midi channel 1.

and make sure nothing is filtered.

Just tested this in 3.5 and it works fine for me on Roland TD-11

Found this post. go all the way to the bottom, Many thanks to this guy.
+3 votes
answered Jun 12, 2017 by charlielewis (450 points)
I hope you can implement this in a modern way -- similar to Cubase or Tracktion. For years people have said that Poly AT is a minority sport. But these days its use is increasing, just as the synthesizer market is growing so fast.
+4 votes
answered Oct 5, 2017 by ADM3 (260 points)
I've been using S1 since the early days of version 1. It's extremely disappointing that this hasn't been addressed by now. If garage band can implement it on an iPhone app, why is it not implemented in a full fledged DAW at 10x the price? I don't understand why an issue so fundamental for electronic drum kits keeps getting overlooked.

There are so many edrum kits out there,especially in amateur/enthusiast/hobbyist home studios. I would bet that these studios are the majority market for ALL DAWs.
+4 votes
answered Dec 4, 2017 by stevenessel (390 points)
This is just ridiculous !!!!  EVERY other DAW on the market has this I cant believe I wasted my time and money with this !! How can you believe you are a superior DAW company and you cant even implement the very same things the FREE DAW's do ???
+2 votes
answered Feb 10, 2018 by bryancampbell1 (520 points)
This is frustrating...I would like to use cymbal chokes in addictive drums since it is my go to drum plugin but I can't even trigger the sound thru studio one midi. The channel 1 solution proposed below doesn't work with Addictive Drums (not sure if it really works at all). This is one of the most requested features in this forum at 120 votes now and was requested 2 years ago...any plans to do something with it?
0 votes
answered Jul 9, 2018 by danlandis (300 points)

Here's a weird thing; using a Kurzweil Midiboard for input with Studio One 3.5, I had polyphonic aftertouch (poly AT henceforth) playing and recording with:

1) cymbal choke in BFD 3. Very straight-forward, no odd work-arounds necessary (in fact this was true of everything I mention here).

2) pitch bend in AAS Strum GS-2. I held down a C power chord in the left hand while bending an Eb to an E natural in the right. The power was unaffected (as one would expect with poly AT).

3) filter changed brighter in Strobe 2. Again, held down a chord in the left hand while playing a note and adding poly AT to brighten the LP filter. Again, the left hand chord was unaffected as was desired.

In each of the above cases a data curve was visible on the clip.

In Studio One 4, however, I noted that only number 2 (AAS Strum 3) could be attained (recorded and played back), but I noted something else (and I'm not entirely sure this is relevant, nor can I check Studio One 3.5 to see if this is change): on the AAS Strum GS-2, the midi channel drop-down box is not offered on the left hand of the screen's track listing; on the BFD and Strobe 2, it was. Interestingly the ploy AT data played on all three and, if the drawing is accurate, was recorded. It was not apparently sent to either the BFD or Strobe 2. 

+3 votes
answered Apr 9, 2019 by robertcollins4 (450 points)
Is this still an issue with Studio One 4? I cannot get a cymbal choke to record using a Roland e-kit and Superior Drummer 3. I cannot believe this.....

Please add this feature to Studio One asap.
+2 votes
answered Jun 20, 2019 by nevermorefu (260 points)
I'm embarrassed I recommended Studio One to a friend.  Studio One is obviously only catering to the electronic music scene where people program the beat (based on every update), so we should probably move on to other software. Protest with your wallet.
+1 vote
answered Aug 14, 2019 by justinstewart3 (1,080 points)
I seriously regret purchasing this DAW. Wgat a waste. It lacks basic  midi functionality from decades ago. I want to pick up a poly aftertouch keyboard but tjis pos still can't record the data. Trash guys. Trash.
+3 votes
answered Nov 16, 2019 by andrewbeck (280 points)
I too would like my drum cymbals to choke, I'd prefer to use S1 but it only works in reaper for me, please add support
+3 votes
answered Dec 29, 2019 by davejmc (900 points)
This isn't just cymbal chokes, this also impacts hi-hat positioning as well.

The response on this from Presonus is terrible.  They claim this is a feature request when it certainly is a bug. They stated that it was never in the specification.  We'll that's like saying the "program close" feature wasn't in the spec, so you won't be able to close without a feature request and enough votes.  Presonus, why do you think we'd be okay with not saving the midi events in the recording that we are able to hear when played live?  Why should I even have to ask for that?  Your response is like that from a defensive six year old that knows they did something wrong but won't admit it.  It's amazing that a $69 DAW  like Reaper can support this but S1 cannot seem to figure it out.  They state that it would be like swapping out a V-8 for a rotary engine and that I should consider an article written by Sweetwater about using multiple DAWs for my workflow.  They claim it doesn't have enough votes but they allow multiple, similar requests to sit out here without combining them.   If they spent enough time working on this as they did with their excuses this would have been fixed three years ago.
+2 votes
answered Jan 21, 2020 by GTRtice (4,930 points)
edited Jun 17, 2022 by GTRtice
Just throwing my vote in the hat. I always tell my customers that Studio One is such a user-friendly DAW that improved my workflow, but I didn't realize it was missing something so seemingly fundamental. Studio One team, please add this, it would forever solidify my ever-positive opinion of Presonus.

Update: If you're reading this, Studio One now supports polyphonic aftertouch.
+1 vote
answered Apr 19, 2020 by carlosreynoso (170 points)
Sucks for people like us that spent so much money on this DAW only to have such an important feature not included with it. What a shame, if any of you guys are looking for a DAW that supports polyphonic aftertouch, Reaper does, and it's free. Ridiculous, a $400 DAW doesn't have polyphonic aftertouch but a free DAW does, makes sense.
+1 vote
answered May 10, 2020 by germnalejandroaguilarcastilln (170 points)
2020 and Studio One still lacks polyphonic Aftertouch recording capability, this is embarrassing.Not only guys that want to make drum chokes need that basic feature, but any keyboard player that has a poly aftertouch enabled keybed cant record and the modify the data, that is insane.Even free daws can do that, how many years will pass before you adress it?
+1 vote
answered May 30, 2020 by marcelcoenen (210 points)
I also need this option, i just found out my cymbals are not choking, i am recording an album for someone, this is stupid that i cannot choke the cymbal,

Using EZ Drummer 2 with studio one prof 4.6, in standalone ez drummer the cymbal chokes perfectly on note A#2, in studio one when i play the note on my midi keyboard (Nektar) the note is long (about 2 1/4 beats) then cuts off
0 votes
answered Jul 8, 2020 by davejmc (900 points)
Finally works for me in Studio One Version 5.
0 votes
answered Jul 11, 2020 by skijumptoes (2,930 points)
It took a long time, but finally with Studio One v5 is has arrived! :)