Questions & Answers

Hide Unrelated Tracks

+2 votes
asked Aug 18, 2020 in Mixing by Daw Stew (12,630 points)
Currently Studio One has the Hide Related Channels feature whereby tracks that are routed to a bus or VCA can be hidden when the Console is opened (this maximises screen estate)

I would like to request the reverse of this feature so that all the unrelated tracks are hidden from sight when the Console is in view.This would make it easy to see just the tracks of an instrument you are focused on rather than having all the other instrumentation visible but which you are not currently mixing.

It would work by right clicking the Bus related to the tracks that are visible and selecting "Hide Unrelated Channels". Only the tracks directly routed to the Bus would remain in view and all others tracks that are either routed to the Main Out or other busses would be hidden.

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Aug 22, 2020 by Lukas Ruschitzka (261,400 points)
Best answer

Thank you for the feature request. 

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0 votes
answered May 1, 2023 by Daw Stew (12,630 points)
Still hoping for this