Unable to record audio in Studio One?
I had my mic hooked up ok but could not record. I could hear my voice in my headphones. I could record and listen to software instrument tracks--but not audio tracks. I tweaked and tweaked. I searched the internet for four days and ran across many dissatisfied customers who could not record with their new interfaces. I read and read and finally found the answer (for me) on Day 4. Here it is:
To enable the DAW to be able to record on a Mac, go to System Preferences>>Security and Privacy>>Microphone>>Allow apps to access microphone>>check the box next to Studio One.
I know that seems so obvious because I use "allow access to mic" on my iPhone all the time, but I never suspected it on my desktop. I thought that would just be the internal mic anyway--not an interface.
I never saw it in the PreSonus manual or found it in the forums. It should be in the manual. I hope it helps.