Questions & Answers

Why am I required to join Sphere to watch the Splitter Tool Master Class? (I own Studio One 5 Professional)

+1 vote
asked Aug 20, 2020 in Studio One 5 by gokidsmusic (170 points)
Article in News Feed in Studio one on Splitter Tool.

I have to join Sphere to watch a Studio One 5 Tutorials now?

3 Answers

0 votes
answered Aug 20, 2020 by colinotoole (16,870 points)
It certainly appears that way, does it not? I guess that's just the way things are now - marketing strategies, I guess. What annoyed me more about that one, though, was that it wasn't clearly highlighted, unlike other ones, as 'Sphere exclusive'; and so, I clicked on it to watch it and was then disappointed not to be able to see it. By the way, I know all this won't make you feel any better.
+1 vote
answered Aug 21, 2020 by robertgray3 (42,850 points)
Because having it be part of a subscription allows them to increase the quality of it. People find informational stuff useful and don't mind paying for solid informative content. Look at Mix With The Masters, Slate Academy, etc. I remember some in-depth articles during Version 4 but I don't recall as many in-depth videos being done before Sphere. Overall I think it's a good thing.
0 votes
answered Aug 21, 2020 by gokidsmusic (170 points)
As a license holder through upgrade path, as well as having libraries and plugins bordering on ridiculous, I have no need to join Sphere.

Up to this point, any tutorials that were listed in Studio One were viewable without joining anything, click and view.  

I want to like Studio One but still find myself going back to Sonar (now Cakewalk by BandLab) and Cubase.

The question is still unanswered, are the good tutorials going to be subscription based?

I would rather maintain my Groove3 and rely on it and forums to get the help I need.

No argument from me that, if you don't have plenty DAWs, sounds, and plugins.  Subscriptions are a great deal.

Sorry but Slate, McDSP, and Plugin Alliance have me well endowed.

Boy if this plan existed 20 years ago, I would be all over it.

But, it's no value for me, personally.  AGAIN not bashing subscriptions if it make economic sense to the individual.