Questions & Answers

Can we get more Scenes per Project

+32 votes
asked Aug 21, 2020 in StudioLive Series Feature Requests by JKalebby (770 points) 1 flag
Using scenes is a big part of what I do for live and broadcast mixing. The only problem is that there are only ~20 scenes per project yet there are ~100 projects. If it's a space issue I would much rather cut down on projects and offload them to the computer to load in when I need them. Allowing for more scenes to exist in the remaining projects. I work with multiple bands who have over 100 songs in their arsenal. while there is always a setlist, they take requests from this massive list of available songs at any given moment and it would be nice to be able to grab the scene on the fly with the proper fx timings, levels, eqs, etc.

Can we pretty please have more scenes to work with? I can imagine it's even more needed for the theater guys.

7 Answers

+5 votes
answered Aug 25, 2020 by jonnydoyle (403,740 points)
Best answer

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+6 votes
answered Aug 22, 2020 by timde (360 points)
I agree! Please add more scenes per project!

In theatre, I could easily have upwards of 150 scenes per show all using the same base configuration (project). Scenes in theatre are really just switching mutes and levels. And don't tell me that is what the mute groups are for. When switching 24+ mics with any number of different actors on stage in each scene, having just a few mute groups is not anywhere near practical.

I reckon there should be fewer projects, but each project should have at least 200 scenes.
+6 votes
answered Aug 25, 2020 by stevenleffue (270 points)
Agreed Agreed Agreed Agreed.  The high channel count is great for theatrical uses, but the scene limit just made me question my purchase for sure.  Hopefully that's a "quick fix".
+5 votes
answered Nov 6, 2020 by chriseddison (260 points)
100% agree. This could be a killer theatre board. With 64 inputs, 32 faders and the stagebox flexibility it wipes the floor with the A&H SQ, ********* Wing and is probably up there near the A&H Avantis, BUT, to mix theatre we need at least 300 scenes per project. Ideally these scenes would be directly accessible from midi (over Ethernet I understand) so an application such as QLab can send a "recall scene number X" and the desk instantly recalls.
Changing the assignment of channels to DCA's per scene and the layout of the user layer is another huge theatre bonus.
+4 votes
answered Nov 7, 2020 by moondance2009 (1,170 points)
Deffo more scenes, more logical..

Thanks Presonus
+2 votes
answered Jul 19, 2023 by keithpresty (240 points)
100% agree. In theater we need way more scenes. 150-200. Please!
0 votes
answered Dec 19, 2023 by mfk0815 (1,010 points)
+10000 votes for that. I am planning a musical show for mid next year and the 64S would be a good choice regarding the channel an dbus count for such projects. But..... 20 scenes per project and no way to save the custom layer on scene level? we need at least round about 150-200 scenes, a cue management to create a flexible scen recall order and also a way to trigger external events whenever a scen is recalled, things like MIDI for triggering light changes or starting a FX sound/Playback audio file.

This requets ist over three years old and still no decision to do that. hmm. I am afraid that I have to change my mind and go the WING route because the new WING firmware comes with a fine (but still not perfect) show management.