Questions & Answers


0 votes
asked Aug 23, 2020 in Studio One 5 by normanyoung2 (930 points)
A daft question, maybe...

When I installed Studio One I had a recollection (false I suspect) that under ReWire I saw Cakewalk appear.

Sadly I was wrong.

I just wonder if anyone has any way of connecting the two?

Cakewalk has Rewire built into it and reading comments it is one of the better implemented ones.  

I wonder why Cakewalk and Studio One don't work together with - it would provide another reason to switch to Studio One.

Studio One is a great DAW, but it lacks features that mean it can't be used fully with some instruments (such as Hauptwerk Organ), so I'd hoped I could run the organ VST in Cakewalk and everything else in Studio One, having them synced.

As far as I can see (having spent literally days experimenting) Hauptwerk can't work properly with Studio One because of the unique way Studio One handles MIDI DATA.  Hauptwerk uses NRPN data to control organ stops, and there doesn't seem to be a way to record these in Studio One and to get them to output to the VST.

Importing the MIDI files into Cakewalk shows that the data recorded on the NRPN track contains 1/3rd of the necessary SysEX data hence why it just doesn't work.

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Aug 24, 2020 by aka_busker (32,870 points)
Hi.  I have Cakewalk (by Bandlab) installed alongside Studio One.  I have directed the plugins folder to the VST folder for Cakewalk and then use Cakewalk instruments inside Studio One.  This enables me to use the instruments from Cakewalk in S1.  
0 votes
answered Aug 29, 2020 by normanyoung2 (930 points)
Although you can't run Cakewalk and Studio One via rewire (because they both only work in master mode, not slave mode), I've worked out a way to do this outside of rewire.
This means I can now run Hauptwerk synced with Studio One.
I did this by:
(1) using loopmidi creating two virtual ports
(2) creating  a new  instrument  using that to send midi time code to Cakewalk.
(3) Setting Cakewalk to sync via midi time code.

Cakewalk now records all organ manuals on separate tracks, and  registration changes. Tempo changes in Studio One control Cakewalk too.
Only thing left to do is to work out how to get Studio One to accept the audio output from Cakewalk directly (or from Hauptwerk).