Questions & Answers

Step input inside the score, why no triplets?

+15 votes
asked Aug 28, 2020 in Score Editor by micheletacchi (2,170 points)

Step entry inside the score should have the same functionality as in the midi editor...for example: we can't input triplets in the score editor! It really should be consistent.

Please improve the Score editor! Not for engraving or creating parts, but for composing.


4 Answers

0 votes
answered Sep 7, 2020 by Lukas Ruschitzka (261,340 points)
Best answer

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0 votes
answered Oct 14, 2020 by petersalt (1,500 points)
This is almost beyond belief. Am I missing something? No triplets or tuplets in step-time in the notation view? Once again, the engineers at PreSonus prove they know a lot about tech and nothing about music. I guess for the average EDM producer, tuplets aren't a thing...ignorance is bliss?
+2 votes
answered Nov 27, 2020 by pabloschmitt (290 points)
It's odd. You have to input 3 notes, then highlight them and right click and create tuplet. It's ridiculous. I should be able to click, for example,  a 1/16T; 1/8T, etc. type note and it will input three 1/16; 1/8 notes in triplet form (or sextuplet), then I just adjust the pitch.
0 votes
answered Jan 27, 2022 by donpreuninger (860 points)

I actually found a way in which it does work correctly:
If you expand out the note editor at the bottom and pin it in notation mode, then open another note editor at the bottom and leave it in piano roll. Then turn on step input in the piano roll and select your note value and click Triplet there, you can then go ahead and step input your triplets into the notation editor that you have pinned. You can then add as many triplets as you want without having to set each one with the Action menu. This is really the way it ought to work in the Notation editor by itself.
