Questions & Answers

Track presets feature request

+1 vote
asked Jul 19, 2024 in Studio One 6 by aifuding (2,040 points)
When I save a track preset that contains Buses and Fx, I cannot add Buses in the original order every time I load it, nor can I make Buses and Fx appear in Track (I can only see Channels in the console but no Tracks are added). This should not be a hassle for developers, but it is indeed imperfect for users.
Imagine that I have configured a preset for drum mix, and I have created Buses for Kick, Snare, Tom, and Overhead, and I have also sent some Fx to them. I hope that every time I open this track preset, I can arrange the tracks in the original order, for example, I will see Kickin, Kickout, KickSub, KickBus, then Snare top, Snare bottom, Snare Bus, then Hihat...
But now, after I save the track preset in the original order, I open it and it is Kick in, Kick out, Kick sub, then Snare..., and finally all Buses and Fx, and these Buses and Fx cannot be seen in Track. I need to create automation for their faders to see them in track. This is cumbersome.

Alternatively, you could add more commands to the macro, such as "add automation track for channel volume".