Questions & Answers

Studio monitor recommendation

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asked Sep 8, 2020 in Sceptre, Eris, R-Series by nathanmasse (120 points)

Hello Presonus,

This is the room where I do all my mixes:

The Height of the room is 2,60 meters and those two crosses represent the location of my current studio monitors (the eris e4.5). I Already have the Temblor T10 and I would like to upgrade to the Eris E44 or the R65. I find it really difficult to choose between those two because the price of both monitors is roughly the same.

furthermore I'm not sure if my room can be labeled "medium/large" or "office/bookschelf". With that in mind, I wonder if the Eris E44 or the R65 even are the right ones for my room. Which one of the two studio monitors would you recommend? The low end of the studio monitors is probably not the most important feature because of my Temblor. I hope to hear from you soon and keep up the great work!

Kind regards,

Nathan Masse
