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Weird sound only when tracking through headphones.

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asked Sep 21, 2020 in Studio Series USB Interfaces by johnfalsey (190 points)
So, I bought the Studio 1824cinterface about a year ago. When I'm recording, especially on vocals, I notice a weird, almost clipping, or distorting sound. It's hard for me to explain but its almost like the audio is wavering. I've tried messing with sample rates, changing cables. I even tried a friends interface same model, and it did the same thing. The audio is crystal clear when I listen back. It seems to only be when I'm hearing it live. Has anyone noticed this issue? It has been annoying me from the start. Also I have tried my older uphoria ********* interface and I did not have this problem.

1 Answer

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answered Sep 21, 2020 by jeffeyrich (190 points)
Are you using Ampire on anything you've recorded in the song? If so, try muting that channel and see if the sound goes away. Ampire's amp modeling, on the Vox AC-30 Tremelo settings at least, includes this useless background noise that I at first thought was my AudioBox but then discovered it was in fact being caused by Ampire. Yes, if you've used an actual Vox AC-30 amp you do get that sound on the Vibrato/Tremelo Channel but like ground noise, it's useless and annoying.