Questions & Answers

Which drivers should I install ?

+1 vote
asked Sep 22, 2020 in FaderPort 2018 by javierpeaesteller (130 points)
When I download and try to install Universal Control driver, there appears a list of about 10 additional components, besides Universal Control one. I only have Cubase, and no other products. Do I need to install these any of this 10 components ?  Or it is enough for me to click on Universal Control ?

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Jul 1, 2022 by michaelmilburn (170 points)
I had the same question and am answering in case others land here with similar question.  The list is actually a list of presonus product names.  Stuff like studiolive, quantum, revelator, audiobox, atom, ioSomething, etc  are the names of products.  I didn't realize what all the words represented at first until I googled all of them.   I was installing a Studio 68c so I think the Studio USB driver was all I needed.  I only installed 1 driver and unchecked the rest and it seems to work fine so far.  There was another driver called Studio 192, but I think that's a different product and is unnecessary for the Studio 68c.