Questions & Answers

How do I export as wav and/or mp3?

0 votes
asked Feb 28, 2016 in Computer Based Recording & Production by paulhipple (150 points)
edited Mar 2, 2016 by mattcaprio
I have a PreSonus Audio Box i Two. I can only play recordings with the recording software. I have tried many players on my PC. I was told this would make wav files. I don't see a file ext. so I would not even know how to convert to MP3 format?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Mar 2, 2016 by mattcaprio (147,580 points)
Best answer
This guide will explain how to use your AudioBox to play back audio from sources other than recording software on your computer:


This guide will walk you through exporting your mixdowns as wav:


Regarding mp3s,

By default StudioOne Artist does not support MP3 file formatting.

Here is a StudioOne version comparison chart of what is included in StudioOne Artist and Professional:

Upgrade Options
If you own Studio One 2 Artist or Studio One 3 Artist:

1) Upgrade to Studio One 3 Professional which supports MP3 import and export by default.

- You can purchase an upgrade to StudioOne 3 Professional here:

2) Purchase the MP3 Converter for Studio One Artist.

-You can purchase the MP3 Convertor for Studio One Artist add-on here:

Note: The MP3 add-on requires Studio One 2.6.2 or higher.

-How to install add-ons in Studio One 2:

-How to install add-ons in Studio One 3:

3) Use a third party application to convert the MP3 files to WAV files that are supported in StudioOne Artist.

-Convert your MP3s to WAV files and you will be able to drag them into your song from the StudioOne browser.

-Export out as a WAV file and then convert them to MP3 in a third party application.

- Here is a video showing the process using iTunes: