Questions & Answers

Export Template Presets (sometimes exporting Wav sometimes MP3)

+1 vote
asked Dec 23, 2020 in Studio One+ Feature Requests by an44 (130 points)
We sometimes export in various ways, please let us save templates!  For example,

I sometimes have different ways I export Wav's

I sometimes have different ways I export mp3's

Sometimes I like to bypass master effects, sometimes I keep them, depending on the situation

It would be much easier to store templates, instead of reviewing each setting each time

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Feb 15, 2022 by richcresswell1 (3,250 points)
The reason it is the way it is, is that you check what you are exporting.
If you have a template and that is set to render a 320 Mp3 that is one click to select a template.
It is currently 2 clicks to do that now.

If you have a template that exports multiple formats at different rates, and a mistake is made you have made several mistakes with one click.

I think the way it is is fine personally, you should be doing quality control on the export settings always. :)