Questions & Answers

Render and restore event FX (Melodyne)

+1 vote
asked Sep 27, 2020 in Studio One 5 by fredriklidin (1,500 points)


I wondering if anyone has any insight in how Studio One retains the information of an event FX that has been rendered? My questions concerns Melodyne in particular.

So far, I have found that:

  • a restored audio event (edited with Melodyne event FX), will restore the Melodyne edits if the audio event is still in the same song.
  • a restored audio event (edited with Melodyne event FX), will NOT restore the Melodyne edits if the audio event (track) is imported to another song.
  • a restored audio event (edited with Melodyne event FX), will NOT restore the Melodyne edits if multiple renderings have been made AND the first rendered file is deleted (even in the same song).

It seems that the data for the Melodyne edits is stored with the song. Yet it also has something to do with the file created when rendering for the first time.

I think that it would be ideal if the data (edits) of the event FX could follow the file. As it is now, Studio One remembers that the event FX was Melodyne, even when imported into another song. But upon restoring, all the previous edits are lost. 

Does anybody know exactly how this works?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Feb 7, 2021 by fredriklidin (1,500 points)
I'd like to bump this question, since the behavior of the render/restore function involving Melodyne seems a bit random. I'm sure it is not, but it's a bit hard to follow what is happening.

I think that a general suggestion should be to always "Bounce" the events that has been edited with Melodyne (when editing is finished, of course). If you hope to restore an event for some fine tuning of your Melodyne edits, you can be disappointed if you edits is reset to a default state. Right now, I think it's better to regard that as a non-existing option.

If you're done editing with Melodyne – Bounce the event to commit you edits. If you want to fiddle more – keep the event FX "alive" (no render or bounce).