Questions & Answers

Faderport setup Digital Performer not working

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asked Oct 3, 2020 in FaderPort 2018 by reredouble (120 points)

I have no idea which FaderPort version I have - it just says FaderPort on the box - Studio One Artist series in small print.

I set it up as instructed in this post.  I also tried setting it up without drawing links in Audio-Midi setup and thus finding Presonus in "unassigned ports" in Digital Performer/Setup/Control Surface Setup.

Both setups tested active (click on the test button and it makes a sound when the slider is moved), the sounds were a bit different but both made a sound.

However that's where it ends - there is no way to link the FaderPort to any activity in DP. 

I'm told there used to be a FaderPort Bundle driver download - at this page but the link is dead.  Please advise.

PS I just found a 2015 answer that you do not support DP in Mac 64bit.  If this is true, PLEASE SAY SO so I can return it!!!
