Questions & Answers

Novation SL MK III integration

+1 vote
asked Oct 6, 2020 in Hardware Integration / Remote Control by seph1 (130 points)

I am using Studio One since version 3 and recently changed my keyboard to a Novation SL 61 MK III.

A couple of monthes ago, I gave a try to Ableton Live and I was happily surprized to see how deep integration between hardware and software is : when I select a track with an instrument, a lot of direct parameters are directly available without any futher setup, a bit like a dedicated controler. It is not a Maschine controller of course, but good enoughe to me.

But with INControl and Studio One, it is very basic and most of the controls on the keyboard are useless.

So it would be nice if SO could provide than kind of integration, and not only Mackie protocols.


1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Oct 11, 2020 by Lukas Ruschitzka (261,340 points)
This is rather a feature request for Novation. You should contact them and make a request for a special integration for Studio One.