Questions & Answers

Plugin v5 plays infinitely while stopped. Spooky. Help

0 votes
asked Oct 8, 2020 in PreSonus Hub / Plugins by Rico07 (320 points)
I have a Mac mini with plenty of ram and power. I Arm track with vsti and the midi bars I create keep playing even when stopped. I don’t use a ton of plugins so my experience leaves something to be desired. My guess is they are being controlled in the loaded virtual instrument. How can I use studio one as the Default host controller and get these plugins to play nice with my DAW.

I can disable or delete the track and all the instruments and plugins show up.

What am I doing wrong.

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Oct 8, 2020 by matthewritenburg (17,320 points)
What plugin are you using?  If you are using an instrument plugin that contains it's own sequencer or arpeggiator that can be the reason a plugin continues to make sound after the transport has stopped.  For instance if you use Reaktor as a plugin, there many Reaktor blocks racks that have their own sequencer and will continue to make sound even after the transport is stopped.   It really comes down to understanding which 3rd party plugin you are using.
0 votes
answered Oct 9, 2020 by cdricblanqui (7,530 points)

You can use "Mute'o'matic" plugin (free) on your tracks. This allows you to have automatic mute when you stop play-back (and other interesting functions).
