Questions & Answers

Drum maps: Rearrange pitches

+7 votes
asked Feb 29, 2016 in Studio One Feature Requests by fnordbak (880 points)
Drum maps: Please make it possible to rearrange the "pitches" so you could group related hits, for eg. different snare articulations, toms, cymabls, etc. This would make drum editing much easier and quicker.

3 Answers

0 votes
answered Feb 29, 2016 by LMike (14,690 points)
Good FR, I voted Yes.

Currently, you can do this with the Chorder tool, build drum maps with the items in an order you want.
0 votes
answered Mar 1, 2016 by tshadgett (4,680 points)
And hide unused pitches, so it would be possible to just have those hits/articulations useful to the song. Probably should be linked to the Drum Editor FR.
0 votes
answered Mar 1, 2016 by patricemazmanian (5,240 points)
+1 Many improvements are to be made with the MIDI edition !