Questions & Answers

192 interface doesn’t have midi connectors

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asked Oct 18, 2020 in Studio 192 USB 3.0 Interfaces by jjam (120 points)
I currently have a fire studio project. Was thinking of upgrade to studio 192.  3.0 usb. Anyway I have a midi keyboard connect to it. However the 192 doesn’t have midi connectors so  my question is if I buy a midi to USB adapter and plug it into the computer will the 192. Find it

1 Answer

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answered Nov 24, 2020 by aka_busker (32,870 points)
Midi controllers generate no sound at the device.  I use the Studio 192 as my audio unit but I use many midi over usb devices, including but not limited to the Atom and the Atom SQ, Roland A-800 etc.  The midi performance information is passed via USB on all devices, all are recognised by S1.  All sounds are then sent thru, from Studio One to the audio device (192).  So, in theory, your "midi to usb" connector should be seen as a standard midi controller.  