Questions & Answers

Studio 192 Mobile, possible failure after firmware upgrade, device doesn't work anymore

+1 vote
asked Jun 18, 2017 in Studio 192 USB 3.0 Interfaces by xljbgbrq (210 points)
First of all I English is not good, (my Studio 192 question is this): (attempting) UC Surface upgrade of Studio 192 (is problematic), but because of my (place of residence is) China, there will be a network firewall, access to foreign websites need to use tools such as VPN, I think I have downloaded (the correct Studio 192) firmware.

(Are) the results need to be updated online (?), this (might be a) tragedy.

(My Studio 192 appears as) update after the little red light, then (it) does not work as follows: 192, the boot display U01.U04.U72.U00, the final stop at U00.

I'm very upset. Is there any way I can reset (Studio 192) firmware? Thanks again for my English

(No worries, we updated the context of your request to correctly match what you were trying to say)

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jun 19, 2017 by AlexTinsley (925,510 points)
selected Jun 26, 2017 by AlexTinsley
Best answer

There is no internet authentication of UC Surface Firmware with Studio 192. The firmware is included in the download. You should have downloaded UC 2.1 available on the download page. 

To force the firmware update do the following:

  1. With Power to Studio 192 / Mobile, connect your Studio 192 / Mobile to a USB 2.0 Port (not 3.0 Port).*
  2. Hold down 48V and Cue buttons and turn power on, the display will show L. 00. 
  3. The dot in front of the L will blink. This indicates that it's waiting for firmware loading. 
  4. Launch UC Surface and go to Firmware Update and load firmware again. Click Continue Anyway. 
  5. Let the firmware load and unit should load, when it's done (a few minutes later) it will display U 99 on the display. Wait for prompt on screen to ask you to restart your interface (not before). 
  • If your Studio 192 / Mobile cannot be found by UC Surface and you're unable to restart the firmware loading process, you'll need to contact the vendor in your country for technical assistance. 
  • If for any reason your country's firewall is corrupting the download, please contact the PreSonus support group in China that can assist you. 

Central Music Co.
0711-0712 Tower D, SOHO New Town No. 88 Jianguo Road, Chaoyang District 100022
Beijing, P.R.CHINA
Tel: (86)10-85801115
Fax: (86)10-85801114


Email: [email protected]

  • Some USB 3.0 Ports do not behave properly on Windows 7 SP1 OS. Windows 7 does not have native USB 3.0 support and the drivers provided by 3rd party USB 3.0 chip vendors must be installed. We have found that some of these chipset drivers to be problematic in some situations. Using a USB 2.0 port resolves the issue. Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 does not have this issue as these have native USB 3.0 support. Nonetheless, if you're having update or performance issues, try moving to a USB 2.0 port which will almost always resolve the inconsistency. Check with your USB 3.0 chipset vendor for updated drivers. 