Questions & Answers

Redlight District crashing 5.1

+1 vote
asked Oct 25, 2020 in Studio One 5 by chandlerbriggs (1,520 points)
In very test all I have to do is attempt to add Redlight District to a track and 5.1 quits.  More or an FYI to Presonus than anything....

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Oct 25, 2020 by chandlerbriggs (1,520 points)
It seems worse that this it is more than just Redlight district, Fat Channel too, though I have been able to load Analog Delay. So I am not sure. I think 5.1 may need to have the preferences rebuilt but cannot find them on my Mac, in the Library/preferences and preference panes folders.  This is a serious change from previous. May have to go back until I hear more on this. I am on a Mac in 10.13.6
0 votes
answered Nov 6, 2020 by chandlerbriggs (1,520 points)
I should have made this more general: "Plug-in" in general "crash when adding to Track or Master in 5.1" and do not in 5.0. So far I have not been able to work in 5.1 for this reason. Maybe because of my 10.1.3 OS but no replies lead to no knowledge base to work from. I guess I am the only one with this issue.