Questions & Answers

How to hear Impact sample change during playback

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asked Nov 1, 2020 in Studio One 3 by ricoliva (240 points)

Hello, I am using PreSonus Studio One 3 for Windows. I created a new song and added Impact to a track. I loaded the preset TM Pop Rock Kit. I decided to change the Pop/Rock Closed HiHat sound from "Paste 15in Closed HiHat Pop.Rock 6" to "Paste 15in Closed HiHat Pop.Rock 4." When I tap the pad I hear the correct sound, however, when I play back the track I still hear the original "Paste 15in Closed HiHat Pop.Rock 6" sample. As a matter of fact, no matter what I change it to, whether I use the drop-down menu or "prev/next" buttons, I don't hear a change unless I replace the sample altogether and this goes for ALL of the buttons. No matter what I change any of the buttons to I have this same problem, the original samples are played back no matter what I change them to using the drop down or prev/next buttons. I have been searching the internet and watching videos for 3 hours and can't figure this out. Please help. Thanks!


