Questions & Answers

Please Bring Back Left/right (Horizontal) Scroll on Shift Mouse Wheel

+4 votes
asked Mar 1, 2016 in Studio One Feature Requests by lukenyman (2,410 points)
recategorized Mar 13, 2016 by ghasenbeck
In S1v2 I used shift+mouse wheel to scroll left and right a lot. Now in v3 it's gone. I've checked all the places I could in mac OSX to add this functionality, but can not find how to do it outside of the programme. Was it built in to S1v2, and broken or removed in v3?

Most importantly can it please be added back as I find myself constantly frustrated when I shift+scroll and nothing happens.

thanks in advanced,


6 Answers

0 votes
answered Mar 13, 2016 by benreaves (11,440 points)
I'm using S1v3 and having no trouble at all using Shift+Wheel. In my case it used to be Ctrl+Wheel, and the keyboard scheme changed. Shift+Wheel is working fine for me.
0 votes
answered Mar 13, 2016 by lukenyman (2,410 points)
I'll try that out. Are you on Mac or pc? (I'm using a mac.)
0 votes
answered Mar 13, 2016 by lukenyman (2,410 points)
I using the shift+wheel and it doesn't work for me. Hmm.
0 votes
answered Mar 14, 2016 by ScooterMac (1,060 points)
I have been frustrated with this too.  

I am also on a Mac and it "doesn't" work for me.

Seems like updates sometimes break a lot of things)
0 votes
answered Mar 14, 2016 by ScooterMac (1,060 points)
One thing I did do that I hadn't tried………I switched to another mouse I had, and the Shift Scroll  "worked" !

Both are Logitech mice.     One is a Performance MX,…….and the other that didn't work is a MX Master.

Hmmmm   that's odd.  

Well…….anyway……something to try maybe.
0 votes
answered Mar 14, 2016 by lukenyman (2,410 points)

That's interesting info, Scootermac. "Gingerly searches out his old usb average logitech mouse, plugs in and scrolls wheel with shift, ctrl, alt, apple-thingy, and all comibs, with no left/right scrolling happening. the sound of a balloon deflating ensues."

Bah. Worth a try. My current mouse is the Logitech M705. Looking in the Control Center (again) I discovered that I could use the wheel tilt option to assign to horizontal scroll, which does actually work. Not as "free wheeling" nor precise as scrolling the wheel, but it does get me left/right movement in Studio one V3(.2).

Hope this helps with your MX master, too.


