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Please add an option to adjust mouse wheel sensitivity (scroll and controls speed).

+23 votes
asked Jan 4, 2024 in Look and Feel by AlexIk5938 (1,130 points)
edited Jan 5, 2024 by AlexIk5938

   Hello dear PreSonus team. Please, implement an option to adjust the number of rows/tracks/channels/pixels/decibels/percentages/anything for scrolling to the user's preference.


   For example, in my Windows file manager, the default is set to 5 rows per one click/step of the mouse wheel (which can be increased). So, with a full scroll of the mouse wheel (approximately 6 clicks/steps in my case), I get scrolling of 30 rows. It's sufficient for me, though sometimes even this is not enough, and I can increase this parameter in the settings.

   In Studio One, I have a scrolling speed of 1 row per one mousewheel click/step in the browser, 0.8 track in the arrangement window, 0.2 channel in the console. So, with a full amplitude of mouse wheel scrolling(6 clicks/steps), I can reach the maximum speed of 5.7 tracks in the arrangement window (which is more or less okay for me), but only 6 rows in the browser and 1 channel in the console – sorry, but this seems more like trolling than UX.


   And if we dig deeper, the problem is not only with the scrolling speed of S1 windows but also with adjusting parameters using the mouse wheel. Currently, I need to rotate the wheel for quite a long time to move a slider, let's say, in the ADSR envelope (Sample One), or panorama, over a large distance, or any other knob. Yes, there is a plus in this – fine-tuning, but for this, it's usually common to use a modifier (e.g., Ctrl+Mouse Wheel), because logically, we usually do rough work first, and then, if necessary, fine-tune. For example, test the behavior of Fabfilter plugin's controls during the mousewheel event with the Shift button holding and without it. This is exactly what I expect from Studio One.

* * *

   I heard from one user that scrolling 1 channel in the console for a full rotation (6 steps) of the mouse wheel is okay for him, but this seems like a joke. In any case, I believe that everyone would like to adjust this for themselves. I know that users have requested this already in a start of 2021, but for some reason, this issue is being ignored by PreSonus.

   Dear PreSonus team. Your product is great and has tremendous potential, but you forget about small yet crucial things. It's like you've built a state-of-the-art spaceship but put wooden chairs instead of seats for the crew. Please, don't ignore the comfort of UX.

   P.S. The fact that people are not actively voting for certain requests does not mean they are not important or not needed. People simply do not want to spend time voting because they know that PreSonus is likely to ignore it. For many, it's easier to use another DAW and wait for the bright future when someone might actually create the perfect DAW.

Regards, Alex.

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Feb 16, 2024 by olegzholtikov1 (170 points)
Earlier I also submitted a request to add this function, but the development team ignores it. The scrolling is very slow and it is very uncomfortable