Questions & Answers

Wrong Audio playback when recording

+1 vote
asked Nov 6, 2020 in Studio One 5 by juanjimenez14 (520 points)
This its really annoying and breaks completely the creative process. Im recording vocals and sometimes studio one 5 plays the wrong audio part over the last take that i just record. The obly solution its to close the session and open it again

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Nov 11, 2020 by anthony1979 (650 points)
Yes indeed this is happening to many people and it just keeps getting ignored for months and months and months. Also happens with imported WAV files. Wrong audio playing on a track with the correct waveform but the wrong audio. Seems to have arisen in Studio One 5 because other users were saying that it never happened in 4.6.

I don’t know how anybody is able to really get any work done in this Program with problems this stupid.

Yea a restart fixes it but also unchecking ‘use cache files for timestretch’ fixes it also. Try not to run your song with the cache turned off because it will run sluggish.

There’s no other fixes for this now unfortunately after months and months of it being reported.