Questions & Answers

Update and save template without events

+10 votes
asked Nov 8, 2020 in Editing by thomaswilson10 (810 points)
When working on a project I often make edits in my "master template" that I would like to keep for future projects, to include things like updates to my routing setup, volume balance between instruments, or reverb settings.  The only way to update an existing template in a project with midi or audio events that I am aware is to delete all events before saving a new template, or replacing an existing.

I'm requesting an option to save and update templates without audio/midi events, to include data in global track such as arranger events. I think this will be useful with consideration of the updated track search features, which make navigating a large template much easier.

4 Answers

0 votes
answered Nov 10, 2020 by Lukas Ruschitzka (260,950 points)
selected Nov 10, 2020 by Lukas Ruschitzka
Best answer

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0 votes
answered Nov 10, 2020 by Lukas Ruschitzka (260,950 points)

Hi Thomas,

I don't understand this passage:

I'm requesting an option to save and update templates without audio/midi events, to include data in global track such as arranger events.

Do you want to include arranger, chords and time signature / key changes in your template or not?

0 votes
answered Nov 10, 2020 by thomaswilson10 (810 points)

Hi Thomas,

I don't understand this passage:

I'm requesting an option to save and update templates without audio/midi events, to include data in global track such as arranger events.

Do you want to include arranger, chords and time signature / key changes in your template or not?

I personally would not want to retain arranger/ chords/ time signature/key change data when saving an updated template as (for me) those tend to be project specific.  Perhaps this could be optional.  

+1 vote
answered Nov 19, 2020 by raulcabralfrana1 (1,230 points)
What if the ideia is implemented as checkboxes for what to keep in or out the template?

- Audio/Midi Events?

- Tempo map?

- Arranger?

- Plugin chains?