Just installed Studio3.2 Pro on my Lenovo ThninkPad S1 Yoga w/ Windows 8.1Pro 64bit and I am using a M-Audio Keystation MIni32
I am trying to record tracks with the internal instruments (Impact, Mojito, Mai Tai) and nothing plays back the way I played it. Everything is behind the beat. I am not the greatest player, but this stuff is way off, even the note length has changed (becuase the portamento is not playing back like I recorded it). Selecting the whole note range and trying to drag into place does not fix it, each note was not effected the same. I can go in and move each note and put it on the beat, but that is a pain. I did notice today while playing back, that the cursor also lags behind the beat. It is also anoying because I am playing to a looped track, and my 1 beat always ends up at the end of the loop unless I really hang back. The Performace monitor is is barely taking a hit at 15% running and 10% sitting.