Questions & Answers

Audiobox USB updated for Catalina. Mac "sees" it but inputs aren't working on unit.

+2 votes
asked Nov 15, 2020 in AudioBox USB by pulkchaj (140 points)
I have used the audiobox usb for years on iMac for Logic music recording.  Having just bought a new computer with Catalina I downloaded the current Universal Control/firmware package and the Mac and Logic both "see" the hardware, but the Audiobox itself does not seem to work any more!  That is, it doesn't pick up any audio going in.  Any help would be very welcome.

2020 iMac, 10.15.7, firmware "up to date" on Univ. Controller

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Nov 15, 2020 by egntumuw (170 points)
I have the same problem!!! How many things exactly do I need to download in order to connect Presonus AudioBox properly to my Mac book?
0 votes
answered Nov 15, 2020 by michaelzeta (1,360 points)
Same thing here. I'm actually sitting here right now with a client and we are unable to do anything today because the StudioLive 16 won't play any audio at all from the computer. This is embarrassing! Help PreSonus!