Questions & Answers

Mac sees 32r for sound but UC can't connect via USB

0 votes
asked Dec 11, 2021 in StudioLive Series III by tommroland (120 points)
S332R connected to MacPro via USB.  32R is also connected to router via ethernet.  Control light is red- when I open UC it sees the mixer but when I click the mixer to connect I just get a spinning wheel.  However the Mac sees the mixer as a sound source and I can use it in ProTools etc.  I can also connect to the mixer with my iPad over Wi-Fi running UC.  Can't figure out why UC on the Mac is having trouble.  When I disconnect the USB and only have the ethernet to the router UC on the Mac connects fine (control light is blue)- but of course then I can't use the mixer as sound source for the computer.   Firmware on mixer is current and UC on Mac is current version.  Any ideas?

S332R0 firmware 2.5.17953

UC on Mac ver

UC on iPad ver

Mac Pro- 10.15.7, 3.2Ghz 16 core, 192 GB 2933 MHz DDR4

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jan 4, 2022 by mackjohnson1 (78,460 points)

Make a support ticket, they should be able to help you out.

0 votes
answered May 2, 2022 by uwelietzow (140 points)

was there any follow-up on this? Dis you open a support ticket, and were they able to solve it? I have the same issue with my 32R (newest firmware/UC software) and I'm interested in the solution. In my case, only restarting the 32R brought the solution (restarting UC and Mac didn't help) and the feeling of a slight "bugginess" remained. Obviously, for live application it would be quite a disaster to have an unreliable system so I'm curious to hear the outcome.

Cheers, Uwe