Questions & Answers

Routing to sub mix or Aux

0 votes
asked Nov 19, 2020 in AIR Series by salemav (150 points)
We have a Studiolive 32.4.2 mixer, in a church, using the main mono out for the sanctuary. I need to get a mono mix out for live streaming.  Currently we are using AUX outs for our stereo feeds to our recording decks.  Is there a way to assign a mono mix to one of the sub faders?

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Dec 13, 2020 by robertweston2 (10,480 points)
selected Aug 12, 2021 by mackjohnson1
Best answer
If you are needing to separately "mix" the signal for streaming, you will need to use one of the aux outputs.  This will allow you to mix the faders in the Aux output you selected.  If you want to send the FOH signal (already mixed) out for streaming, assign all the channels to one of the sub-groups and use that sub-group output for the stream.  Also, you can use one of the "Main outputs" for the mono stream, assuming all the inputs are not panned (for stereo).