Questions & Answers

Suggested firmware update older than installed version!?

0 votes
asked Nov 20, 2020 in Studio Series USB Interfaces by robertscholtes (150 points)
Hello! I just started my new Studio 68c interface for the first time. UniversalControl want me to install a "newer" version 2.21. But version 2.22 is already installed. Should I install this 2.21 version?

Also, I thought UniveralControl is also the mixer application to route the in- and outputs, but the mixer doesn't show up. Where can I find it?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Dec 29, 2020 by connorguiberteau (26,950 points)
Best answer
QA here with the beans.

Firmware 2.21 is the same as 2.22.  Exact same features.

This was a dummy upgrade image I used to verify firmware updates.

This test image ended up on some devices.  My bad everyone, sorry for the confusion.

The Studio68c does not have a Universal Control mixer.  

Studio One or your Recording software of choice will be where routing takes place. Found in the Audio I/O menu under Song Setup.

The Studio 1810 & 1824 both have mixers due to the high channel count.
0 votes
answered Dec 25, 2020 by eddyvanloo (240 points)
Same issue here. And this seems to be a long standing issue, for at least one and a half year now... :(

I'm going to return the interface to the shop, this is useless.