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Why are the sounds that were once under Impact now missing?

+2 votes
asked Nov 20, 2020 in Studio One 4 by jacobrelph (140 points)
I have a MacBook Pro Catalina. I'm using Studio One 4 and it is completely updated. The interface is a scarlett 4i4. I have not used Studio one for several months and I usually use audio instead of the sounds found on the software, so this could have happened earlier than that. I went to mess around with that kind of stuff today, but under Impact the only sound available just says default and doesn't make any noise. I try to revisit old tracks I've put together when it worked and now all the drum beats are gone and Impact just says "sample missing" all over it.

5 Answers

0 votes
answered Nov 28, 2020 by wallacestclair (140 points)
I have a similar issue with the Impact app. Yet mine doesn't say "sample missing". All the monitors appear as if sound is coming through, but there is no sound. The rest of the apps are working properly
0 votes
answered Jan 5, 2021 by danielchavez9 (160 points)
I'm having a simliar issue where my song file has missing samples on start-up. I then successfully locate the files and Accept them into the song but once the project is up, my Impact and Sample One have "missing sample" under every pad that a sample was previously used on.

Sorry I can't help but I wanted to help bump this question up on the forums.
0 votes
answered Feb 6, 2021 by timcrawley (140 points)
I am going to third this, impact has completely vanished and its not in the available downloads folder...

really peaving me off.
+1 vote
answered Jan 18, 2023 by rogerhburke (160 points)
Did anyone get an answer to this, it is so annoying....
asked Feb 27, 2023 in Studio One 4 by patriciadaley (180 points) My drum sounds are missing also
0 votes
answered Jan 8, 2024 by jeighneither (280 points)
This happened to me repeatedly with multiple songs with StudioOne4.  Not just drums, but most often drums, & it happened like some of you have mentioned, after I hadn't touched it for a couple months.  After losing some great music, these days, if I'm going to be away for even a week, I just burn everything I'm working on, however it sounds whenever I have to quit working.  At least that way I have an audio image to work with.  It sucks to have to put your songs back together like a puzzle... a second time, but as long as you're in the practice of saving/renaming any vst patches that you've heavily modified that are used in your song, it's doable.  If not, you're stuck with a permanent remix.  Good luck w/that, because you might actually end up with a better song, but maybe not... This actually lead to a lot better file management practices for me, but it was a hassle.  Since I've upgraded to 6, I haven't had this issue, but it's also only been about 5 weeks, & I've been active the whole time, so the conditions haven't been met, but I'm commenting in hopes that someday, if more people comment, maybe Presonus will do something, although I suspect there's not much they can do, because they don't know why this is happening.