Questions & Answers

Notion 6 Playback Problems

0 votes
asked Nov 27, 2020 in Notion by polstam (120 points)
So my family got me Notion 6 for my birthday, and i was very happy to be able to try it out. I installed the program and opened it, only to find that it didn't have any sound. I found out i had to download a bunch of "bundles" with sounds in them.

This is where my problems arose. I only have a very limited ammount of instruments. I for example have a trumpet sound, but i don't have a cornet. Not only that, but for some instruments, like the violin, i only have four notes that actually play when i put them down. And when they do play, they really don't  sound like the London Symphony Orchestra played them, like they advertised on the box. They sound like a toddlers music lesson.

Do i really need to purchase the ridiculously overpriced expansion packs just to hear violins?

Please tell me i'm completely missing something, for i fear i am not.

Thanks in advance!

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Dec 6, 2020 by tack3 (390 points)
don't think so, notion 6 comes with a bunch of instrument bundles.

go to -> select notion, you should see your available bundles. Of course you can buy more bundles if you like