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Notion problems with overlengthy pages + playback problem, how can I fix it?

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asked Feb 10, 2021 in Notion by felixbiller (120 points)


I have two problems with my Notion 6 currently. I'm arranging a new piece at the moment and two problems occurred:

1. I've got 17 instruments and when I added info text for the drummer at the bottom of the page, the page lost it's normal size (I attached a picture so you can see what I mean). And I can't find the solution on how to change it back to the normal size, it just stays that way. Do you know what I can do and is that a problem that also occurs in your cases a lot?

2. The audio playback was functioning quite well until I added slashes for the drummer instead of "normal" notes. Now the only thing I can hear most of the times is the drum part and sometimes a weird bang. I had a look in the mixing desk (everything's set to normal there) and also tried to find a solution but now it just stays that way. And only because I added slashes to the drum part and deleted "normal" notes there.
Is that also a common problem that you sometimes have and how can I fix it?
Here's a link to a video where you can see what I mean: ... 857vDwQ7XU

Ah and another thing is that the dynamics don't seem to function very well. Sometimes the saxophones for example sound as if they are playing forte or mezzoforte, even if I put a mezzopiano or piano symbol underneath.

Thank you in advance!
