Questions & Answers

Splitting polywav files

+5 votes
asked Nov 28, 2020 in Studio One 5 by garage_logician (170 points)
I have multi track polywav files created by a RODECaster Pro.  In Adobe Audition I can drag and drop the file and it will automatically extract each individual track and into a separate track.  It even recognizes the difference between the stereo and mono tracks.

In Studio One I have to extract each track manually using other software and then add each track (5 stereo and 4 mono) to my project.  It takes a lot longer and I would like to see Studio One handle these files similar to Audition.   Is there some trick I am missing?  Is there any chance of getting this feature added to Studio One?

3 Answers

0 votes
answered Mar 30, 2021 by elfuello (310 points)
The same, I record commercials with my ZOOM F8 (polywav) and if I have to choose or check the best files/takes (from Sennheiser G4) and it's very annoying to split step by step polywav in S1 file manager. :/ Magix Samplitude Pro X4, Pro Tools - no problem with it. Please Presonus, it can't be so hard to make our workflow better. :-))) PS. I love Studio One! :-)
0 votes
answered Sep 29, 2023 by mariopy (2,350 points)
This si so needed
0 votes
answered Nov 28, 2023 by robert148 (350 points)
So weird this is still not possible. Come on dear Studio One team............. FIX this please