Questions & Answers

Delay on Pre Fader Auxes? WTF?

+1 vote
asked Nov 30, 2020 in StudioLive Series III by erhardschwenk (2,230 points)
Just Tested some StudioLive 24R at my Dealer.

There I was wondering why the Channel Delay is applied on Pre Fader Aux Sends ???

This renders either the Channel Delay or the Auxes completely  useless for one the most common use cases!

Think of a large Stage and let's say some Horn Section at the Backline of your Band. You _WILL_ want to have a  Delay from their Mics to the Front line to compensate the distance and get a clean, clearly defined sound with tight timig and crisp Trebles. But you definitely will NOT want to have that Delay on their Monitors because doing that would lead them to play slower and slower and slower and slower... best way to get the whole Show stopped ;)

So my Question:

How can I have an Aux Send without Channel Delay for my monitors (but maybe the channel EQ would be a good Idea on that), and Channel Delay for the Main Mix to the Front LIne at the same Time?