Questions & Answers

Why can't i change block size?

+1 vote
asked Nov 30, 2020 in Studio One 5 by rickparkhurst (190 points)
Brand new DELL INSPIRON 3880, 32GB, i7, 8 cores

Presonus Studio 24c

Presonus Studio One 5

Does not give me the option to change block size, and latency is horrible. This system should be fast enough to handle it. Please help

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Nov 30, 2020 by wesleypeterson (20,940 points)
I don't own 24c, but I have noticed a bug in Universal Control App (I'm on Win10) that causes the option to change the block size to vanish, which is where you change the block size. You can open it from your taskbar or from inside S1 (options > audio setup > audio device > control panel) I've found that sometimes I have to reboot in order for the options, including block size, to show up in the Universal Control App.