Questions & Answers

Can the fader touch/release unity reset on FaderPort 8/16 be disabled?

+3 votes
asked Dec 11, 2020 in FaderPort 16 by peterbaird (960 points)
Many of us use the FaderPort 8/16 in Shift Lock mode full time in order to have the User and Function keys always available (I'm constantly moving between console scenes on the three User keys).  Unfortunately that means a brief touch and release of a fader saddle when in Track mode will reset the fader to Unity, which can be super annoying when mixing.

Perhaps a press and hold of the associated channel Select button along with a touch and release of the saddle would make more sense as a way to reset the fader to unity.  It would require two separate actions to reset the fader, which would go a long way toward eliminating accidental fader resets.


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Mar 9, 2021 by peterbaird (960 points)
Fixed in 5.2.  Whether you're working in in Normal (Shift light off) or Shift (Shift light on) the fader now doesn't reset with a saddle touch.  If you need it to reset, hold down Shift and touch the saddle.  Even better idea than holding down Select.  Thanks devs!