Questions & Answers

Faderport 8/16 v2 design ideas

+1 vote
asked Jul 2, 2021 in FaderPort 16 by Daw Stew (12,600 points)
One thing that is inevitable in the music technology scene is that when a piece of gear of realised its only a matter of time before the next gen version is designed and released building on the success of its predecessor.

With that in mind i think it would be useful for the user base of the Faderport series (8,16 and 2018) to put forward how they would improve the Faderport.

Here's a few ideas for Studio One integration.

I would replace the monochrome channel display with an all colour version. With  an all colour display each channel could show the automation state (green Read, orange Touch, red Latch and Write) per track making it easier to see where automation was engaged. I would also make each display larger as there is space to do so and tilt the display upwards for viewing ease.

I would expand the Navigation section (Channel, Zoom, Scroll etc) to include additional buttons such as Browser, Track List, Inspector and Channel List

Over to you.