Questions & Answers

Can someone provide a link to studio one version 4 for windows 7 .

0 votes
asked Dec 13, 2020 in Studio One 4 by thomasbulka (160 points)
I just purchased AudioBox USB 96. The minimum requirements listed said Windows 7 64 bit which I have.  I would like to install Studio One but the only version available to me via my.presonus is Version 5 and that only supports Windows 10.  Yeah I know Microsoft has stopped supporting Windows 7.  I'm hoping that since Presonus previously supported Windows 7 64 bit there has to still be an installer around somewhere. If I can't find an installer I'm afraid I'll have to return the package.  Thanks

3 Answers

0 votes
answered Dec 14, 2020 by wesleypeterson (21,050 points)
Studio One 4 and 5 are different products, so I can't link you to it (it would be next to Studio One 5 in your account.) You can try contacting support at my.presonus > support > create a ticket and ask if it's possible to change products. I have no idea if they would be able to do that or not, but it doesn't hurt to ask.
0 votes
answered Dec 14, 2020 by aka_busker (32,870 points)
Contact support.  They may be able to assist you regarding getting v4.  But I am not 100% sure that v4 supports Windows 7.  Unfortunately, many software houses are now dropping support for windows 7.  This includes game developers and Software houses like Presonus.  
0 votes
answered Dec 15, 2020 by thomasbulka (160 points)
Just wanted to say that I was able to resolve my issue by submitting a ticket and explaining my situation.  They were able to provide me with access to Studio One Artist version 4 and now I'm I happy camper.  Thanks aka_busker and wesleypeterson for pointing me in the right direction.