Questions & Answers

Better Studio One 4 performance under Windows 7 than Windows 10?

0 votes
asked Nov 9, 2020 in Studio One 4 by danieldexter1 (130 points)
Hey folks, would you recommend Windows 7 over Windows 10 for operating Studio One 4 to get best performance results?

My studio PC is barely Windows OS, Studio One 4 and a few VST plugs. No internet connection, firewalls, antivirus, etc.
Hardware is a Lenovo Thinkpad T490, 16GB RAM, i5-8265U CPU @ 4x 1.6GHz, 1TB Samsung SSD EVO860

What would you recommend?
Thanks for your opinion

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Nov 9, 2020 by aka_busker (32,870 points)
No.  I wouldn't.  I wouldn't recommend an unsupported operating system over an operating system that receives regular updates.  Studio One Version 5 requires Windows 10 by default, so continuing to use Windows 7 is removing the choice of using current up to date software, if you wanted to.   You aren't even getting the best you can out of the hardware you are using because you are using Windows 7.  That i5 was built around being used with an up to date operating system.  There are plenty of reasons not to be using Win 7 in today's day and age.  Security being the topmost.  
0 votes
answered Nov 9, 2020 by wesleypeterson (21,050 points)
Does your machine already have win7 on it? If you're downgrading will all your laptop drivers work in win7? It would probably run better since windows 7 is less bloated but the Win7 life cycle has ended. Then again who cares about security updates if you're not online and you're not installing shady apps? But what about third party plugin capability? You'd want to check that out too. So it seems it would be easier for you to just install on win10 but if everything's compatible it would probably run better on win7. But I'm not sure the effort for the trade off is worth it, especially since down the road it could bite you.