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Mac to PC conversion

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asked Dec 15, 2020 in Studio One 4 by ericwilhelm3 (120 points)
So I tried messaging someone in your customer service and they couldn’t help. I create all of my templates on a Mac computer. But for some reason the studio one templates have issues on windows. ProTools and any other DAWs that works on both Mac and PC works just fine. But for some reason the file conversion from Mac to windows has an issue with studio one. As you can see a plug-in will show up on one track but not the other, such as this S1 Imager from waves. All the plug-ins that I use are fully up-to-date and legitimate versions btw. These are VST’s so they can work on both Mac and PC. And this specific issue with this and a couple other waves plug-ins happens the exact same way for every windows customer of mine with studio one. I’ve already talked to waves, and from my understanding this shouldn’t happen because of the fact that everything in waves I own from them as up-to-date. Same goes for my customers who experience this issue. Also as an example, if I have a Travis Scott type template for studio one, it’ll be set the exact same way for ProTools, just different DAWs. And yet work perfectly fine on Mac or PC. I’ve already tried to do the blacklist deal and make sure the computer can find the plugins properly. Further proof that I can find the plug-ins properly, is it the tracks that say the plug-in isn’t available, will still let you add said plug into the track separately. So even though the track with S1 Imager says it can’t be found, you can insert the exact some plugins still manually. But we don’t want to do that, because the templates I have set up how my settings for the customer. I hope the makes since. So because I can still insert the plugins manually and the fact that they work perfectly fine in other DAWs on Windows such as Protools, I think it’s a Studio One thing... Any suggestions? Here’s a copy of this template if you have Windows and want to try?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Dec 15, 2020 by wesleypeterson (21,050 points)
edited Dec 15, 2020 by wesleypeterson
I've had a similar problem in the past going between different PC's. It was caused by the installation of the same plugins( from the same installation files) beings slightly different between my PCs. It took me a while to figure out and was pretty frustrating. Is there anything added behind the name of the plugin '64bit' or anything like that because Studio One will see it as an entirely different effect? So I would look for that as that's what my problem was. In my case I had to install the VST's twice in order to get 64bit behind the name to avoid redoing them. I have since changed the installation on the first machine, removed the second instance of the plugins on the second PC and everything is good.

I loaded up your template. While I don't have Auto Key, Auto Tune EX, Auto Tune Pro, H Delay, S1 Imager(s)[ But I have S1 Imager Stereo, is it the same? Seems likely], or Doubler2(m<s) [but I've got Doubler2 Mono / Stereo, I don't know if that's the same plugin, pretty likely]. Everything else loads fine. RDesser Mono, RCompressor Mono, REQ6 Mono, RVox Mono,  C4 Mono, S1StereoImager Mono,ect. They all work great. So it looks like it might be a naming issue with '(s)' as opposed Stereo on my machine. But then again it might not be the case on your machine. But it leaves me thinking, how do you rename plugins or create plugin aliases in Studio One? I'm not sure. But I'm feeling like if it's possible to rename them, you might have this fixed pretty easy. If not you may have to find a round about way to do it, multiple installs, registry tweak, I'm just not sure how. Anyway, that's my best guess.

My only other guess at this point, does the Mac have a 32bit bridge built in, I don't own a Mac, or are you running one? If that's the case the effects your using wouldn't be available since Windows/ Studio One doesn't have a bit bridge. So it would be using 32bit effects as opposed to 64. I'm thinking this is pretty unlikely but I haven't seen '(s)' behind the plugin name in many years, but it was very common on my 32bit VST's.

Lastly, if a plugin shows up on one track, every instance is activated on all tracks. So I have no problem there.

Good luck.