Questions & Answers

Why does bouncing and/or merging add head and tail length to the selected track section?

+2 votes
asked Dec 21, 2020 in Studio One 5 by patrickgoodrich (750 points)
I am constantly having to cut off the extra length that gets added to any selected track sections I want to bounce or merge. To do this I have to make the merge or bounce, then, move the extended section down to an empty area that creates a new copy of the track to allow room for the altered section. Then, I have to trim off the excess and delete it. Finally, I can then move the edited section into it's previous location in the original track. Otherwise there is "overlap", created by the "auto add length" (dis)function of what ought to be a simple and "painless" process. Please advise if a setting can be changed to remedy this or if this just a design fluke. Thanks

MAC IOS Catalina v.10.15.7
iMac (Retina 4K, 21.5-inch, Late 2015)
Processor: 3.1 GHz Intel Core i5
Memory: 8 GB 1867 MHz DDR3
Graphics: Intel Iris Pro Graphics 6200 1536 MB

PreSonus StudioOne 5 Professional v5.1.161815 Built Nov 13, 2020
AudioBox i2

2 Answers

+2 votes
answered Dec 27, 2020 by arturgodlewski (2,080 points)
I was struggling with this today and discovered that once you disable snapping (default key  'N') then Bounce Selection / Merge will be exactly the length you've selected.

I see no logic in this behaviour and I think it's a bug, but I've no idea how to fill a bug report?
0 votes
answered Dec 28, 2020 by patrickgoodrich (750 points)

Mahalo, (thank you!) arturgodlewski! This occurrence was SO annoying and time consuming, but your answer is perfect! With regard to the possibility of this being a "bug", I agree wholeheartedly, because there is no advisement of this in the Studio One 5 Reference Manual to warn users of this, what purpose the additional "leader" and "tail" serve, or when this could be useful. If digital editing were less precise than it is, and one was dealing with analog tape, a razor blade and a slicing block, then it might make (some) sense. In this environment, it is only annoying if the answer you've fortunately discovered and graciously shared, isn't included in the SOxRM. Awesome!
