Questions & Answers

Monitor or Audiobox for headphones

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asked Dec 30, 2020 in AudioBox USB by justinfitzgerald (120 points)
I've had a PreSonus Audiobox USB for years and some ********* MS40 monitors. I've always plugged my headphones into the monitors (there's a jack at the front) when I'm mixing as its really convenient and what I've always done.I'm looking to replace these monitors with some Presonus Eris monitors but my question is- should I be plugging my headphones into the audio box or the monitors? I've never been a big fan of the sound of the ********* monitors but plugging straight into the audio box the sound is really thin. I write some production music for some guys who are pretty picky and they've never complained about my mixes and they sound good in the monitors through the headphones but weak and thin straight out of the audiobox. Which would be a more accurate sound ?